The 5" Aim MXS 1.2 data logger display acquires and displays data from your engine ECU, the internal accelerometer and the GPS08 Module included in the kit.
The MXS also reads analog/digital inputs and predefined math channels and the performance data acquired can also be incremented adding up to eight expansion modules. Its 5" display has been specifically designed for small cockpits installation. The internal accelerometer and gyro, just to name a few. Performance and data acquired can also be incremented adding up to eight expansion modules. Its 5″ display has been specifically designed for installation in small cockpits.
The MXS 1.2 is also available in its STRADA Display version - A dash display for road use which is also available as an IVA approved kit. Find out more...
CAN Output
With the CAN Output you can send messages directly to an existing CAN network in order to improve the range of vehicle control possibilities.
Configurable Pages
The vibrant TFT display of the MXS 1.2 does not only look great, but it can also display various information for its extensive library of maps. You can easily view different data via its 2 dedicated hard buttons. Additionally, if you don’t like the preloaded maps, you can always create a custom one.
High Contrast TFT Display
The sharp, vibrant, high contrast 5” TFT Display is what sets the MXS 1.2 apart from the competition. Its built in ambient light sensor will keep the brightness at an optimal level any time of day.
Flexible Alarms
The 6 RGB LED’s located on either side of the screen are fully customizable. You choose the color, flashing frequency, the message that displays on the screen and the conditions the alarm activates.
Two Digital Outputs
Aim MXS features two digital outputs. Each of them can give an output of 1 amp at 12 volts: they can be configured in order to be turned on/off depending on the value of the analog or digital inputs. They permit to automatically run external systems, i.e. to switch on/off additional lights, to activate/de-activate a cooling fan or circulation pumps, etc. when a certain event happens.
Camera inputs, also for mirror camera
Two analog camera inputs are available, to swap your display into a mirror camera, through pushbutton command or event management.
Integrated Light Shift Array
Choose from a host of advanced multicoloured RGB shift light patterns that can be customised to your liking, and for each unique gear when required. Using the built-in CAN bus, you can add expansion modules to the Aim MXS to increment the performance and the data acquired:
A wide range of data sources
The MXS 1.2 Data Logger is created to provide the user with a wide array of data from a wide array of sources. Data coming from the ECU, the internal accelerometer and gyro, and even the GPS data can all be seen right there on the screen.
Race Studio 3
Race Studio 3 is the heart of your MXS, managing all your racing activities. The Race Studio 3 can create, modify, delete, import and export configurations with all channels, ECU drivers, Math channels, Display Pages, Digital outputs, Alarms, Shift Lights and all the expansions you need. You will also be able to manage the map of all your racing tracks and compare two laps watching the video recorded by SmartyCam HD cameras.
With Race Studio 3 you can also analyse all data recorded by MXS 1.2 and downloaded to your PC: graphs, histograms and tables will help you study your performance, providing an objective support to avoid mistakes and improve performances
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