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AiM GPS09 Module

The AiM GPS technology represents a true revolution in data acquisition. With our GPS software, you can immediately sample and split times as well as speed, position and acceleration, all required to improve your driving performance and technique.

The GPS Module is connected via a CAN cable which makes it quick and simple to install.


GPS09 Benefits

The GPS09 Module guarantees precision and reliability, working with almost twenty satellites to improve its performance.

With an average of less than one-metre tolerance, absolute precision will determine vehicle position. 
The satellite signal is rapidly locked moments after switch on and no risk of missing signals anymore due to noise or interferences on the system.

On the Track

The GPS Module is fast in satellite signal acquisition and reliable in adverse situations. GPS Manager allows you to set track start/finish lines and splits and to download a comprehensive track database. With the GPS Module you get important information, i.e. chassis analysis, track position, etc as well as position, speed, cornering in-line and lateral G and automatic lap times.


Choice of options

The GPS09 Module is available in 0.5m, 1.3m, 2m or 4m cable and 2m or 4m in a roof version (with cable entry from underneath) specifically designed for easy installation on covered cars. 

AiM GPS09 Module For SmartyCam 2.2

SKU : gps
Hors TVA
  • Tech Spec

    AiM GPS09 Module

    • Dimenstions: 64.8 x 53.2 x 19.7mm
    • Weight: 60.5g 


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